Toni Bunnell, Kerstin Hanisch, Joerg D. Hardege and Thomas Breithaupt. 2011 The Fecal Odor of Sick Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) Mediates Olfactory Attraction of the Tick Ixodes hexagonus. Journal of Chemical Ecology: Volume 37 (4): 340 – 347. I am continuing to look at trends in hedgehog populations that might shed further light on the reasons for the current decline in hedgehog populations in Britain. Anyone who looks after injured/sick hedgehogs, who might like to contribute to the data, please email me and I will email the data recording sheet. Or you can email any data: and I will enter them on the excel sheet. I am also looking at pre-hibernation weights in hedgehogs. If you have any information please could you email it as follows: Date hedgehog went into hibernation, weight of hedgehog, sex of hedgehog, and temperature of surroundings (if known). I am continuing to run hedgehog courses: HELPING YORKSHIRE’S HEDGEHOGS (HYH) Britain’s hedgehogs are in serious decline and the hedgehog has now been placed on the Red List of threatened species in need of conservation The course consists of an illustrated talk and workshop. Content as follows: Reasons for the decline of hedgehogs in Britain I am also committed to caring for as many sick hedgehogs as time will permit, taking the majority of those admitted to York RSPCA, restoring them to health, then releasing them into the wild. This work has produced much data which hopefully will reveal the incidence of various diseases, and the factors most likely to produce a rapid return to full health. The data has been collected as a result of keeping full and detailed records of each and every hedgehog that has come into my care. The weight of each animal was sytematically recorded as weight changes provide the biggest single clue to possible changes in health/immune status, indicating the need for further/new treatment. It is intended to make available any useful information to aid hedgehog care and in some small, but significant, way attempt to redress the balance so drastically upset by the 100,000 hedgehogs killed each year on Britain's roads. Read the blog about the day-to-day lives of hedgehogs admitted to a sanctuary in Yorkshire: Tales from the hedgehog sanctuary.
I am continuing to play lots of music. The book Music Makes a Difference was written following a five-year period working using music sessions to try to improve life quality and communication skills amongst people with learning disabilities throughout the Yorkshire region. Having worked as a semi-professional folk musician for several years, the ability to play the guitar, fiddle, Appalachian dulcimer and hurdy gurdy was an advantage, but not critical, for the would-be music therapist. As care in the community gradually became a reality, it was suggested that I record my experiences and knowledge for use by others hoping to use music in similar ways in community homes. Hopefully, the resulting book will serve its purpose.
Complete List of Articles Bunnell T. 2009. Growth rate in early and late litters of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus). Savarimuthu D. and Bunnell T. 2003. Sexuality and learning disabilities: Some perspectives. Nursing Standard, Vol. 17 (39):33-35. Bunnell T. 2003. The effect of ‘healing with intent' on peak expiratory flow rates in asthmatics. Journal of the International Society for the study of subtle energies and energy medicine, Vol. 13 (1): 75-89. The Assessment of British Hedgehog [Erinaceus europaeus] Casualties on Arrival and Determination of Optimum Release Weights Using a New Index Savarimuthu D. and Bunnell T. 2002. The effects of music on clients with learning disabilities: a literature review. Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery, Vol. 8 (3): 160-165.
The incidence of disease and injury in displaced wild hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) Bunnell T. 2001.:The Importance of Faecal Indices in Assessing Gastrointestinal Parasite Infestation and Bacterial Infection in the Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) Rehabilitation of wild hedgehogs Tea Tree Antiseptic Cream: A new treatment for ringworm and sarcoptic mange in the hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus): paper published in the Journal of the Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, July-August 2000, Vol. 19, No. 2, pages 29-31 Rehabilitation of wild hedgehogs Healing with Intent, an article published in Network, the Scientific and Medical Network Review, No. 73, August 2000 Bunnell T. 2000. Healing with Intent, Network, The Scientific and Medical Network Review, No.73: 20. ISSN 1362–1211. The Effect of 'Healing with Intent' on Pepsin Enzyme Activity - Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol.13, No.2, pp. 139-148, 1999 [published paper] The Effect of 'Healing with Intent' on Peak
Expiratory Flow Rates in Asthmatics A Tentative Mechanism for Healing originally published in Positive Health, Issue 23, December 1997, summarizes the latest research into the effects of healing with intent/laying- on-of-hands/reiki/faith healing/therapeutic touch/psychic healing and polarity therapy. Based on scientific studies, it suggests a theory for how healing with intent might possibly work. The effects of hands-on healing on enzyme activity is a paper presented at the Annual Symposium on Complementary Health Care held in Exeter, UK in December 1996, and published in abstract form in the associated journal Susceptibility of juvenile hedgehogs to disease: some observations is an article originally published in Imprint, the newsletter of the Yorkshire Mammal Group based in York, UK Toni Bunnell, Kerstin Hanisch, Joerg D. Hardege and Thomas Breithaupt. 2011
Toni Bunnell can be contacted by email at:
Copyright © Toni Bunnell 1998-2010